Tuesday, December 24, 2013

To His Tiny Followers...

Leroy really enjoyed having Bennet and Ruby visit while he was in town.  He tried to show off by doing flips off the Christmas tree (although his jammies got caught on the way down and he just kind of spent the evening face down two levels below where he started).  They thought it was pretty funny. Today, they are heading to see their Nana and Baba...He will miss them.  Leroy got up really early to write them this sweet message.


Last month Auntie was talking to Bennet's Mama (aka my sistah) and Bennet wanted to talk to Auntie also...

Auntie:  Hi, Benny!
Bennet:  Hi!
Auntie:  Mama said you had something to tell me.
Bennet:  Yes...for Chistmas, I want R2D2 pants.
Auntie: Oh, ok...I can make (pause because sweet Benny was still talking)
Bennet: and R2D2 shirt and and R2D2 shoes please...Thank you!  Love you, here is Mama.

Auntie Thoughts:  (uh-oh, I thought she was just going to ask for pants.  All I have are jammie pants pattern.  Think, Think, Think...).

A week goes by...no R2D2-only fabric, only Star Wars character block fabric. This will do but I have to check with Benny. She gives a thumbs up. Thank goodness.  Light bulb came on...got some Wonder Under and some metallic silver shoes.  Wah-la!

BTW - She loved it all!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Leroy is House Shopping

Maybe Leroy is here to stay. We found him trying out a house this evening.  Lisa Homes are beautiful and yummy, too!

Santa! I Know Him!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Leroy's Food Groups

Chocolate, peppermints, syrup, and candy canes....sounds very similar to another elf's!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Party Planning

Hmmm....guess he's planning on having a party.  I wonder where our invite is. :D

Elfie Selfie

I forgot to document his adventures yesterday. However, no worries, Leroy took a Selfie.  A look at our secret camera caught him in action.